眼泪不再 HD

4.0 推荐

分类:喜剧片 意大利 1985

导演:罗伯托·贝尼尼  马西莫·特洛伊西   










演员:罗伯托·贝尼尼,马西莫·特洛伊西,Iris Peynado

更新时间:2023-03-29 11:36



  Totally unawares, Saverio, a teacher and Mario, a janitor of the same school in which they both work, travel back in time and find themselves in central Italy at the end of the 15th century. They carry with them an unresolved squabble concerning Saverio’s sister, creating a lot of tension between the two, which will increase in the plot. From this moment on they will have to come to grips with the grotesque situation they find themselves in, trying to "hitch a lift" back to the future in a most outlandish way, using and misusing their foresight of the events taking place round that time, and generally making fools of themselves in the eyes of "normal" renaissance folks. Their meeting with Leonardo da Vinci is hysterical, when they become more and more convinced that the genius is in reality a moron. Another character they meet is Savonarola the heretic, who enjoins them to repent, before he is taken to the stake, eliciting some breezy comment from them. If it weren’t for a weird kind of homesickness, they would quite enjoy living in this period, full of daring fashions and tantalising damsels.                                    
                                 The couple shows great chemistry and is funny in every respect. The psychology of their characters is complex and credible - for once comical roles with a depth. Basically, Saverio is an embittered petit-bourgeois forever attracted and rejected by women, envious of Mario, an easy-going proletarian every woman falls in love with. Saverio is scheming, mean and vindictive as much as Mario is naive, generous and forgiving. What a match of talents: Roberto Benigni and Massimo Troisi at the peak of combined creativity. Too bad they will never come back together for another joint venture. Or maybe it is better this way: masterpieces of this level cannot be improved on, at best they can be imitated. For this reason Non ci resta che piangere will shine like a gem in the crown of the best Italian movies of all times. Sadly not many people seem to have seen it, not even in Italy, where the viewers do not need subtitles to enjoy the hilarious juggling of the two actors with the language, but their body language can be universally appreciated.                                    
                                 If you miss it you will have to repent!


《眼泪不再》该剧剧情紧凑,《眼泪不再》故事曲折,重要的是罗伯托·贝尼尼,马西莫·特洛伊西,Iris Peynado演技精湛毫不含糊,导演罗伯托·贝尼尼,马西莫·特洛伊西也没有设计浮夸的造型和飘忽玄幻的人设。《眼泪不再》自上线以来,前两集让很多抱着看大尺度喜剧片心态的观众没有失望,《眼泪不再》是一部绝佳不可错过的喜剧片


《眼泪不再》因强大IP基因,开播前就备受瞩目,《眼泪不再》未播先热成焦点。《眼泪不再》如今更收视飘红,话题不断,成为辞旧迎新跨年之际现象级大剧。唯美画风,考究服饰、道具,至少5元钱戳眼特效,大众熟知的《眼泪不再》,高能虐心剧情都为剧加分多多。此外,偶像明星罗伯托·贝尼尼,马西莫·特洛伊西,Iris Peynado拼颜值、斗演技,主配角成功人设与演绎,也在很大程度上拉动且加持了《眼泪不再》收视口碑双飞大势。全民看脸的时代,《眼泪不再》罗伯托·贝尼尼,马西莫·特洛伊西,Iris Peynado高颜值绝对对得起拥趸笃粉。人气爆棚当红偶像明星罗伯托·贝尼尼,马西莫·特洛伊西,Iris Peynado颜值大放送,令无数舔屏族竞折舌,已在预料之中,他们颜值高到令人侧目、仰望,演技更让人弹眼落睛。特别是虐心爱情戏,更成为高瓦斯含量的催泪弹,让无数喜剧片迷泪牛满面。







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